Bath Time

Bath Time v1.08
by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia
Released under the Cocoa Moss label

Please be patient as the game loads! You may have to click to give it focus.
Soundtrack download

Bath Time was made in 72 hours for round 42 of Ludum Dare. The theme was "Running out of space", and we ended up making a physics-based game about washing cats.

Download Bath Time for your phone:
App Store (iOS)
Google Play (Android)

Awards (out of 2015 jam entries):

Post-mortem writeup

Ludum Dare submission page

Original compo version submitted to Ludum Dare

Changelog >>

- Update to Unity 2019 and WebAssembly, update sitelock code

- Fixed an annoying bug with multiple touches that caused the scrubber to disappear when using fast movements on some touchscreens

- First mobile release!
- Fix wrong icon for deep cleanser during cooldown
- Make level 10 slightly easier
- Fixed first part of all sfx being played incorrectly

- Add DPI tracking to make the game a bit easier on large screens (e.g. tablets)
- Replace music with new soothing lullaby-like tunes
- Add deep cleanser soap, used specifically for extra-dirty meowmies
- Extra-dirty meowmies are now very difficult to clean without deep cleanser
- Rework dirty meowmie visuals to make it more obvious when meowmies are dirty vs. clean
- Rework levels and difficulty again
- Add another tutorial with a tip to use larger circular motions
- Make soap tutorial wait until you manage to actually get a good current going
- Add a visual effect when soap cooldown is done
- More performance enhancements
- Fixed saved progress going backwards when you replay earlier levels (oops)
- Added an ending screen once you beat level 10
- Reduced the awkward delay before fading to the gameover screen
- Slightly increase the circle radius for the washing/scrubbing tutorial
- Slightly tweak when the background water swirls (requires a circular motion now)
- Slightly reduce volume of meowmie swipe meow sounds
- Change menu confirmation sound to a softer woodblock sound

- Reworked the tutorial to make some concepts more clear
- Game over now triggers when meowmie count > 30, instead of being based on a timer
- Reworked levels and tuned difficulty, taking the new game over condition into account
- Made soap swirling require less motion (especially for large touchscreens)
- Improved swipe handling (should lead to less missed meowmies when swiping)
- Added a credits screen
- Added a pause button and pause screen (allows you to quit mid-game)
- Fixed level 4 button taking you back to the main menu
- Fixed most sound effects having a slight delay at the beginning
- Replace cheesy "bling" sound for drying finished with nicer pitched bell sounds
- Small performance improvements

- Adjusted difficulty of later levels to be a bit easier

- Many more performance improvements
- Fix meowmies being affected by soap even before dropping
- Fix meowmie limb glitching sometimes during gameover

- Fix some serious performance issues with the soap particles
- Fix music not looping properly
- Fix some slight text color mistakes
- Add version number on the title screen

- First release

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