Chickie Catchers

Chickie Catchers v1.04
by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia
Released under the Cocoa Moss label

If the game does not load (Safari or IE), please try using the unthreaded version instead.

Please be patient as the game loads! You may have to click to give it focus.
Soundtrack download

Chickie Catchers is our entry for round 49 of Ludum Dare. The theme was "Unstable".

Ludum Dare submission page

Changelog >>

v1.04 (Jam)
- Fixed incorrect controls display for multiplayer

- Fix lower scores overwriting higher scores
- Replicate 2p sliding effect in single-player mode
- "Balance" fix level 2

- Fix bugged high score displays after menu transitions

- Fix only level 1 being accessible
- Fix high scores being offset by one level
- Fix offset collected chickie sprites
- Attempt to fix bug where game wouldn't end
- Fix left side world edge being visible
- Physics and "balancing" fixes/tweaks

- First release!

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