Inflate Me to the Moon

Inflate Me to the Moon v1.02
by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia
Released under the Cocoa Moss label

Please be patient as the game loads! You may have to click to give it focus.
Soundtrack download

Inflate Me to the Moon was made in 72 hours for round 44 of Ludum Dare. The theme was "Your life is currency", and we made a very silly game about "inflation".

Additional credits:

Download Inflate Me to the Moon for your phone:
App Store (iOS)
Google Play (Android)

Awards (out of 1817 jam entries):

Ludum Dare submission page

Original jam version submitted to Ludum Dare

Changelog >>

v1.02 (Post-Jam)
- Update site lock code

- Recompile to allow offline play via the app

- First mobile release - added touch controls for hammering phase
- Redo difficulty curves for fanning the flame -- especially for level 3 which was way too hard before
- Made hammer and fan based on absolute mouse/touch position instead of relative movement
- Added skip functionality for all cutscenes (hold mouse button or touch to skip)
- Added new sfx/particles for end of flattening phase
- Make tutorial displays show for a bit longer (first 3 actions instead of 1)
- Significant performance improvements when there are many turtles to reduce FPS drops
- Added faster tempo intro fanfares for levels 2 and 3 to match the main music tempo
- Add some additional notes to the ending text
- Trim silence for sound effects to prevent exhausting sfx channels
- Very minor tweaks to some music files

v0.03 (Jam)
- Tried fixing cutscenes getting off sync when app loses focus (changed a single setting)

- Made the application keep running even when in the background

- First release!

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