Kiwis Can't Fly

Kiwis Can't Fly v1.03
by DDRKirby(ISQ) and Kat Jia
Released under the Cocoa Moss label

Please be patient as the game loads! You may have to click to give it focus.
Soundtrack download

This is our entry for round 50 of Ludum Dare. The theme was "Delay the Inevitable".

Download Kiwis Can't Fly for your phone:
App Store (iOS)
Google Play (Android)

Awards (out of 1923 jam entries):

Ludum Dare submission page

Original jam version submitted to Ludum Dare

Changelog >>

v1.03 (Post-Jam)
- Added Kiwi info section to end screen
- Added new idle animation for meowmies
- Tweaked click/tap radius
- Removed hover/click effects
- Minor fixes

v1.02 (Jam)
- Fixed a few minor audio artifacts

- Enable hidpi support so graphics aren't blurry on high resolution displays

- Initial release

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